Discernment Counseling

1492390679How did we get here?

You’ve been married for two years and begin to think about your first child when suddenly you learn that your husband doesn’t want kids and never did! How in the world did you never know this?! He insists you talked about this before, but in your mind, you were waiting until you were settled somewhere.

Pandora’s Box opens unexpectedly, and now you both notice several issues where you differ tremendously, argue about everything, and can’t find your way back to each other.

The crack in your relationship could have come from many circumstances.

Perhaps there has been a breach of trust. While you think you still love him, you can’t get beyond the affair.

Your feelings are hurt deeply. He may tell you, “It’s over.” But in your mind, all you can think of is them together.

Trust is the single most important feeling between two people, and once that is broken, it feels impossible to repair.

There is help.

Discernment counseling helps couples make an informed, confident decision along three continua:

  • End the relationship
  • Spend the next six months working through the issues
  • Do nothing for six months and see what happens

Couples often end up in discernment counseling after months or years in couples counseling, where they are at a standstill and not making progress. The couple’s counselor will likely refer you to discernment counseling when you get to that point.

The objective of discernment counseling is to clarify, gain confidence in your decision to stay together or separate, and determine the potential outcomes for each of you.

Don’t continue blindly hoping for change or enlightenment. Let me help you make a decision that is right for you.