Medical Family Therapy

1789694252Assisting aging or ill family members is challenging.

Your aging mom recently received a diagnosis indicating that she had Alzheimer’s, and she relies solely on you for support and assistance.

Your siblings live far away, she hasn’t even spoken to your brother in years, and he has no interest in rehashing what happened 25 years ago.

All the care needs, coordination of services, and communication with family fall on you. You have a family with young children to care for and a full-time job.

In your head, you scream for HELP! But it’s all on you.

Identifying the best type of care is essential.

Dealing with illness, whether yours or your family member’s, creates a sense of loss of control, anticipatory grief, and often family disagreements about the type and level of care your loved one should receive.

Being a caregiver for someone with illness combines the bio (body), psycho (mental/emotional), social (relationships), and spiritual (beliefs, values) aspects of relationships for the person who is ill, as well as the people who care about them.

Family disagreements often become acutely triggered by the aspects of medical care and the response of the loved one.

In medical family therapy, we address the type and intensity of care for the loved one, ensuring they receive integrated care (physician, social worker, clergy, etc.) to ease the patient’s suffering. In addition, we provide emotional support for caregivers.

755551930Medical Family Therapy can make a big difference.

Medical Family Therapy seeks to include end-of-life decisions and enable the dying patient to settle long-standing disputes, resolve differences among family members, and die feeling complete.

It’s incredible how many people die while sustaining cutoffs with family members. Those family members often feel bewildered by their feelings and inability to get closure.

Make a difference you will never regret – be there for them while meeting your needs.